Administrator Duties

Before deploying this solution to users, you must ensure the tables are correctly populated, as below:

Default Tables
  1. Contact: this table may or may not have data in it. One must ensure, however, that any users who have already signed in before have the appropriate web roles, as they will not be asked again which group they belong to, to automate web role assignment.

Custom Tables
  1. ACM Classification Codes: This table is pre-populated with ACM Keywords and associated IDs. This list was produced by Diego M. Plasencia and was then shortened to include only keywords whose IDs have 3 levels of precision or less, e.g., 8.3.1 . This table should not be regularly modified.

  2. FYP Options: This table is pre-populated with dummy data. When this solution becomes deployable, this table will become a legacy table and the Supervisor Responses v2 table will take its place.

  3. Research Groups: This table is pre-populated with all the Research Groups that were available to us in the collected 2022 FYP Supervisor data. This table may require modification to remove or add research groups. If the research groups are modified, you will also have to add/remove the appropriate Research Group – ACM Maps.

  4. Student ACM: This table should be empty upon deployment.

  5. Student Responses: This table should be empty upon deployment.

  6. Student Topic Options: This table is pre-populated with all the Topics on the Student Motivation Tracking form the Student Application form is based off. This table may require modification to remove or add topics. If the topics are modified, you will also have to add/remove the appropriate Topics–ACM Maps.

  7. Supervisor-ACM: This table should be empty upon deployment.

  8. Supervisor Responses v2: This table should be empty upon deployment.

  9. Topic-ACM Map: This table is pre-populated with Topic – ACM Keyword equivalences. This may need to be changed if Topics are changed. Also, if the administrator deems an equivalence is not appropriate, they may also edit this table.

  10. Research Group - ACM Map: This table is pre-populated with Research Group – ACM Keyword equivalences. This may need to be changed if the Research Groups table records are changed. Also, if the administrator deems an equivalence is not appropriate, they may also edit this table.

  11. Supervisor-Student Pairs: This table should be empty upon deployment.

Instructions for General Use

Deploy Solution to Supervisors
The first user group this should be deployed to is the supervisors. They will be required to log in using their UCL account. They should Submit a Supervisor Application: Supervisor Application > Register as a Supervisor.
Once this is complete, the next user group can register. No further action is required from the administrator in this step.

Deploy Solution to Students
Once all supervisors have submitted their applications, all responses will appear in the Students’ home page in a list. You may then ask students to log in, also using their UCL accounts, to view this list. They may browse to find supervisors they believe would be a good fit for them and they should reach out to those supervisors through their own means, perhaps through email or Teams. There is no further action required through the portal at this time. No further action is required from the administrator in this step.

Require Supervisors to Report Who They Are Supervising
Convey to the supervisors that once they verbally agree to supervise a student, they must fill out the Confirm Supervisee form: Your Supervisees > Confirm Supervisee. This should be filled out once for each student. No further action is required from the administrator in this step.

Commence Supervised Matching - Ask Students to Submit Student Applicationg
The first step to supervised matching is asking students to fill out the Student Application: Apply > Student Application. No further action is required from the administrator in this step.

Deploying Supervised Matching
Once all students (who are partaking in supervised matching) have submitted their student application, this stage may commence. An administrator who has the Administrators web role should sign into the portal. They will be redirected to a page with instructions and a button. They should read the instructions and then click the button to trigger the automating matching. This may take up to 1 minute to complete.
Once this is complete, the administrator is tasked with revising the proposed matches through the Supervisor-Student Pairs table in the FYP model-driven app and manually approving or rejecting each one by editing the records. If any matches are rejected, or there are students left with no supervisor, the administrator may return to the FYP portal page and click the button again to repeat the process until all students have a match.