Development Blog

Below is a blog tracking our developments over time, in two-week intervals. Click a date for the blog corresponding to that commencing week.

21st - 30th March: Finished matching algorithm and ensured correct functionality. Tied loose ends of portal development and finished final touches. We wrote documentation for our portfolio and produced the 4-minute and 8-minute presentations. We presented our work to our client and industry partners and received stellar feedback.

17th March: Added Capacity and Remaining Capacity columns to the Supervisor Responses v2 table to track how many and how many more each supervisor can take on. Continued work on the matching algorithm.

16th March: Met with Naomi from Ashton Court Group to learn about making charts in Power Apps to display summary statistics. Created these charts after the meeting and made them viewable in our Model-Driven App.

15th March: Created webpage for supervisors to view the details of the students and projects they agreed to supervise. Added unique seed values to tables with an autogenerated ID so a record can be easily distinguished.

14th March: Created and populated Research Group – ACM Map table to facilitate the relationship between research groups and ACM keywords. Created a flow to convert the research students’ selected research groups into ACM Keywords to use for matching.

8th March: Updated navigation bar to be different for students and for supervisors. Started implementation of matching algorithm using JavaScript. Algorithm can match students to supervisors based on common ACM Keywords but does not consider priority or supervisor capacity.

7th March: Wrote documentation regarding Tables, Forms, Flows, Table Relationships, and Issues and Workarounds we faced with Power Platform to report back to Microsoft. Created a flow and used it to populate Topics-ACM Map table with the equivalenced between Topics (from Student Topic Options) and ACM Keywords. Completed Web Role configuration and implementation.

1st March: Created page that appears only on first sign-on asking the user to confirm whether they are a student or supervisor to assign a web role to them. Repopulated ACM Classification Codes table with updated ACM Keywords as provided by Diego. List was narrowed to only contain keywords with ID that have at most 3 precision levels, e.g., 1.1.1

28th February: Determined we do not have license for Power BI. Set up a meeting with Naomi from Ashton Court Group to learn about making a dashboard directly in Dynamics.

21-27th February: Continued work on web role implementation. Discovered we did not have the appropriate permissions to use the Active Directory as a connector to get information about whether a contact (the person logged in via UCL) is a student or staff member. Consulted Chris Seely from Ashton Court Group and determined the best solution is to ask the user on first log-in whether they are a student or a member of staff.

22nd February: Finished flows required to populate the intermediary tables, Student-ACM and Supervisor-ACM.

15th February: Started adding documentation and tutorials for how to implement portals similar to our own.

4th February: Added auto-generated hyperlinks on the generated contact page for links that professors and researchers supplied.

3rd February: Changed table redirect to contact page to use a powerapps form rather than Javascript dom element manipulation.

27th January: Decided on what content about professors / researches was suitable for the portal and what complied with GDPR regulations. Removed offending data from the table.

19th January: Informally presented our pitch to our stakeholders to gather feeback. Got advice on presenting our solution as a 'Microsoft Cloud Automation Project.

18th January: Gathered feedback on our presentation from our group's teaching assistant. Recorded the elevator pitch video.

17th January: Created the powerpoint for our elevator pitch presentation. Created a script and rehearsed the presentation.

15th January: Learnt how to create custom custom power apps solutions that can be used to extend our basic project operations template.

13th January: Added content to this website pertaining to the technologies we've chosen to go with.

11th January: Finalised our solution approach with our teaching assistant.

2nd December: Dean edited our statement of work to include both teaching assistant allocation and project allocation. He also approved the work that we had done in the document regarding teaching assistant allocation.

30th November: Received information on how teaching assistant position vacancies are currently stored and presented to proespective teaching assistants. Got access to the current excel document use for relaying information about modules that require teaching assistants.

24th November: Presented the work we've currently done on our statement of work to our stakeholders in the weekly standup meeting. Received more guidance on how to approach vetting viable technologies for our solution.

23rd November: Received our statement of work template from one of our stakegolders and received guidance on what information to include and what areas to focus on during the planning stage. Started completing our statement of work, pertaining to the issue of matching teaching assistants with modules running in the department.